Paper Census
Paper Census was a collaborative effort between Austin Tech Alliance and the City of Austin’s Communications and Technology Management Department. By utilizing skills-based volunteering, Paper Census provides a significant opportunity for individuals in Austin’s tech sector to help solve challenges that impact all Austin residents.
City staff realized that many departments had an underlying desire to “get off of paper.” That led to the idea of Paper Census, where ATA collaborated with the City and volunteers from the tech sector to identify paper-based processes and develop digital prototypes.
This year-long research and design project tackled three popular paper forms: Austin Transportation Department permitted on-street parking, Austin Travis-County EMS eldercare intake forms, and the Office of the Police Monitor complaint forms.
Austin Tech Alliance, along with the City of Austin, took inventory of paper processes and non-digital media, solicited community feedback on improving access to services, and prototype solutions to bring those City services into the digital age. This collaboration led to a more efficient, accessible, and equitable city government for employees and residents.